Super Bowl Party!!!


My Auntie janna made these way cute cup-cakes with little footballs on them, they say go team.

Me AnD MaGeN

My MoThEr

She is always the life of evry party, I love her! he he

AhWwWw My FaMiLy!

Elle, Carlie, Auntie Kim, Cole, & Whitney

My COuSin MaGeN & SiStEr CaRliE

My CoUsIn JC

He was so into the game he hardly talked to anyone. haha

HaVe A HaPpY VaLeNtINeS DaY!

Jane was Incharge of activity day, So I stayed to make cute heart pillow for valintines day, they were so cute and so fun to make. The best part was watching the kids make them!

StArLeE's PiLlOw

This was so much fun!

KiAnA's PilLoW

This was my favorite!! it was so cute, it was all pink and fuzzy. All the girls made such cute valentine pillows, Jane always has the funnest things planned!

MyLa'S pIlLoW

Myla was so cute she was the DJ for the night, and she still managed to make a way cute heart pillow!


My family!!! and yes i am wearing clothes under my coat, hahaha. I was so sick that day, and my mom told me to get ready for family pics, so I brushed my hair then pute my long coat over my Pj's haha.


Carlie and Elle just got back from a dance convention called N.Y.C.D.A they were by far the most breth taking dancers I saw there! this is one of the pics the photogrephers cought of her. She is the beautiful blonde in the middle

Cole and Whitnay

My brother cole and his girlfriend Whittney headed to Robert Redford's New Years Eve party.

Myla having some bubbly!

I loved her face it was so cute!


I found little bits of confetti evrywhere when I got home, It was even in shirt and pockets! lol! Baylen was picking it out if my hair for a while :)

* JaNe & DuStY *

They really know how to through a party! there were clowns, games, swimming, and really good food! Best New years ever!

*Sela bella*

This cute little thing is Sela and I am her nanny! she is beautiful, WOW, i love my job!

The cutest kids ever!

These are the Rhodes kids that i get to nanny, and i love evry second of it they are all very smart loveing kids! i am the luckiest nanny in the world!!!